Set up Broadcast Me for Android

Broadcast Me is a free streaming app for iOS and Android. You can use this as an alternative to Larix Broadcaster.

  1. Download Broadcast Me for Android on the Google Play Store.
  2. Allow BroadcastMe to take pictures and record video while using the app
  3. Allow BroadcastMe to record audio while using the app
  4. Allow BroadcastMe to access photos and media on your device
  5. Swipe through the tutorial to learn about BroadcastMe features. You can Skip Tutorial when finished.
  6. You will see an intro screen briefly. This will disappear.
  7. Tap the chevron to pull out the settings menu
  8. Tap the settings cog
  9. Resolution landscape: we recommend 1280x720. Please see our article on bitrate and resolution if you have a slow connection.
  10. Bitrate: we recommend 2000. Please see our article on bitrate and resolution if you have a slow connection.
  11. Save video locally: leave on (tick) if you want to record your video for self-evaluation. Turn off (cross) if you do not need this.
  12. Server URL: Paste in the Full stream URL with stream key from your Class Owner DashboardDo not type this manually because if you make any mistakes it will not work!
  13. Exit settings
  14. Tap the red record button to start your live stream
  15. You will see the message "Watch it here: rtmp://stream-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx". You are now live!
  16. When your class is finished, tap the record button again to stop your stream.

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